
1. Year of Establishment : UG:1978              PG:1985

2. Programmes offered by the department

        UG                     PG     Research CentreCertificate/ Diploma
B.Sc. MathematicsM.Sc. MathematicsPh.D. MathematicsBio- Mathematics: Calculus for Life Science

3. Faculty Profile

NameEducation QualificationDesignationDate of JoiningTotal ExperienceProfile
Dr. Gaikwad S.B.M.Sc. P.hD,SETAssociate professor24/08/199329 
Dr. Ingale S.V.Ph.D.Assistant professor10/08/200319 
Tarate S.A.M.Sc., SETAssistant professor01/07/200319 
Kshirsagar K. A.M.Sc., SETAssistant professor05/09/201111 
Gade D. G.M.Sc., SETAssistant professor25/07/20148 
Todkari B. N.M.Sc., SETAssistant professor25/07/20148 
Jadhav A. S.M.Sc., SETAssistant professor11/12/20175 
Patare D. N.M.Sc.Assistant professor12/07/20157 
Chavan Y. P.M.Sc., NETAssistant professor15/07/20193 
Kasule P. D.M.Sc.Assistant professor05/01/20211 
Sharma R.V.M.Sc., SETAssistant professor30/11/20214 Months 
Ansari P. S.M.Sc.Assistant professor30/11/20214 Months 

4. Details of seminars/conferences/workshops organized by the department

Theme of the Seminar/ Conference/WorkshopLevelSponsoring AgencyDates
63rd Annual Conference of Indian Mathematical Society, Ahmednagar InternationalTHE INDIAN MATHEMATICAL SOCIETY27th – 30th December 1997
Symposium on “ Fuzzy Topology and it’s Applications ”NationalUGC 12th -14th March 2001
“International Conference on Fuzzy Mathematics”InternationalUGC27th  –29th  January 2007  
National Conference on “Generalized Measures & their Applications”National 08th – 10th February 2008
National Conference on “Role of ICT in Teaching and Learning”National 22nd – 23rd  February 2015
International Conference on “IOT and its application-2019”International 23rd -24th January 2019
Set/Net Works ShopStateSelf-Funded12st – 17th May 2002
Set/Net Works ShopStateSelf-Funded01st – 09th August 2009
Set/Net Works ShopStateSelf-Funded16th May – 19th June 2014
Set/Net Works ShopStateSelf-Funded02nd –  10th January 2018
Mathematics Syllabus Restructuring of F.Y.B.Sc/ F.Y.B.Sc(Computer Science)/M.Sc. IUniversitySPPU, Pune03rd  March 2013
Mathematics Syllabus Restructuring of F.Y.B.Sc/ F.Y.B.Sc(Computer Science)/M.Sc. I and Maxima SoftwearUniversitySPPU, Pune19th July 2019

5. Details of research projects undertaken by the department.

Name of the Principal InvestigatorTitle of the projectDurationSponsoring Agency
Dr. Gaikwad S. B.Tauberain type result to Quasi-Asymptotic behaviour for the modified Steiltje’s transformation of distributions2004-2006U.G.C.
Dr. Ingale S. V.Uncertainty Modeling in Radiological risk da to Routine and Postuated Accidental Releases from Nuclear Power Plant Using Evidence Theory (Belief and Plausibility measures)2010-2013B.A.R.C. Mumbai
Dr. Ingale S. V.Fuzzy Measures and Integration and Their Applications2006-2008B.C.U.D. Pune University
Dr. Gandhi S. K.Theory of Evidence and its Applications2007-2009B.C.U.D. Pune University

6. Details of research papers published (in UGC notified journals notified only)

Name/s of the AuthorTitle of the PaperJournalISSN NumberVolume and Page Numbers
S.B. GaikwadFractional Fourier Transform of Tempered BoehmiansInternational Journal of Computational Engineering and Management2230-7893Vol. 15 Issue 4, 19-22.
S.B. GaikwadThe Distributional Modified Stieltjes Transformation,Proceedings National Seminar on Recent Advances in Mathematics  978-93-80744-36-028 September, 2012 pp 162-168.
V.J. Khairnar and S.B. GaikwadOn Weakly Concircular -Symmetric of -trans Sasakian manifolds, 2012, 4,  Recent Research in Science and Teachnology2076-5061  (9) 05-11
S.B. GaikwadFractional Fourier Transforms BoehmiansIOSR Journal of Mathematics  (IOSR-JM)2278-5728Volume5,Issue3(Jan. – Feb. 2013), pp 57-69
S.B.GaikwadFractional Fourier Transforms Integrable BoehmiansInternational Journal of Multidisciplinary Research (IJMR)2277-9302Vol.II, Issue 3 (IV), June 2013pp.1-5
S.B. GaikwadTrends In Mathematical ModellingInternational Journal of      Multidisciplinary Research (IJMR)2277-9301Vol.1, Issue 12 (II), March 2013.pp.75-78
GAIKWAD S.B:Generalized Integral Transforms,Proceeding National conference on Recent Trends in Computer Sci. and Applications and Computational Mathematics978-93-83414-29-1Vol I.pp158-162 Dec 2013
S.N Kadlag andS.B. GaikwadRiemannian Manifold without putting any restriction on scalar curvature admitting a projective vector field 2231-346XVol.25(2)A,pp211-226, 2013
S.N Kadlag andS.B. GaikwadIntegral formulae and inequalities using metric semi-symmetric connection International Journal of Physical Sciences; Ultra Scientist of physical sciences2319-8044Vol.25(3)A.477-490 (2013)
S.N Kadlag andS.B. GaikwadIsometry of Riemannian Manifolds Admitting a Projective Vector Field Using Metric Semi-symmetric ConnectionInternational Journal of Innovative Research and Development2278-0211(Online)Vol 3 (1) pp56-67, Jan-2014
S.B. Gaikwad.Generalized Fourier-Modified Stieltjes Transforms, Proceeding,National conference on “Role of Mathematics in Science, Engineering and Technology” NACASCA Ahmednagar 21-22:. PVP COLLEGE LONI Feb 2015 pp.1-5
B. G. Khedkar and S. B. GaikwadStieltjes Transformation as the Iterated Laplace TransformationInternational Journal of Mathematical Analysis833 – 838Vol. 11, 2017, no. 17, HIKARI Ltd,
B. G. Khedkar and S. B. GaikwadBounded Projections on Fourier-Modified-Stieltjes TransformsInternational Journal of Scientific and Innovative Mathematical Research (IJSIMR)2347-307X &  2347-3142Volume 5, Issue 6, 2017, PP 20-24
B. G. Khedkar  and S. B. GaikwadConvolution Theorem for Distributional Fourier-Stieltjes TransformInternational Journal of Scientific and Innovative Mathematical Research (IJSIMR)2347-3142Volume 5, Issue 9, 2017, PP 39-42
S.B.GaikwadRigidity and Degree of Freedom in NetworkProceeding National conference on Graph Theory and It’s Applications,  New Arts Commerce and Science College Parner978-81-930155-0-919-20 Jan 2018, pp  82-88
B. G. Khedkar  and S. B. Gaikwad: Spaces of Distribution for Fourier-Stieltjes Transform of Vector Measures on Compact GroupsInternational Journal of Creative Research Thoughts (IJCRT) www.ijcrt.org2320-2882Volume 6, Issue 1 March 2018 ,pp-553-558
A.B. Gawand and    S.B.Gaikwad:,.To Study the Nature of Geopathic Stress Caused by Ground Water using NaaV Meter and Proton MagnetometerInternational Journal of Scientific and Innovative Mathematical Research (IJSIMR)2347-3142 and 2347-307XVolume 6, Issue 3, 2018, PP 25-28
B. G. Khedkar  and S. B. Gaikwad: –Abelian Theorem for the Distributional Fourier Modified-Stieltjes TransformInternational Journal of Emerging Technologies and Innovative Research (JETIR)2349-5162Volume 5, Issue 7, July 2018, pp 529-535
Balasaheb Khedkar,  S.B. GaikwadTAUBERIAN-TYPE THEOREMS WITH APPLICATION TO THE FOURIER-STIELTJES TRANSFORMATIONIJRAR – International Journal of Research and Analytical Reviews (IJRAR)2348-1269 and 2349-5138Volume.5, Issue 3, Page No pp.867-875, August 2018
B. G. Khedkar  and S. B. Gaikwad: Different Versions of the Inverse Fourier- Modified-Stieltjes TransformInternational Journal of Research and Analytical Reviews (IJRAR)2348-1269 and 2349-5138January 2019, Volume 06, Issue 1 PP 18-20 
Arun Ghanwat and S.B. GaikwadON THE LEBESGUE INTEGRABLE BOEHMIAN SPACEInternational Journal of Research and Analytical Reviews (IJRAR)2348-1269 and 2349-5138Volume 06, Issue 1 PP 990-994 
A.B. GAWAND AND S.B GAIKWADNew methodology for groundwater investigation using Light Interference TechniqueInternational Journal of Research and Analytical Reviews (IJRAR)2348-1269 and 2349-5138January 2019, Volume 06, Issue 1 PP 333-337 
Arun Ghanwat and S.B.GaikwadTwo Dimensional Kamal Transform of Space of Distribution of BoehmiansInternational Journal of Engineering research and Technology2395-0072Vol.9.Issue 04. April, 2020,PP.772-775.
Sharvari Kulkarni, Kalyanrao Takale, Shrikisan GaikwadNumerical solution of time fractional Kuramoto-Sivashinsky equation by Adomian decomposition method and applicationsMalaya Journal of Mathematik Sr.No. 67, University Press2319-3786Vol. 8, No. 3,page 1078-1084, 2020
B. G. Khedkar  and S. B. GaikwadComplex Inversion Formula For Modified-Stieltjes TransformThe Mathematics Students0025-5742Vol. 90, Nos.1-2, 2021
Sharvari Kulkarni, Dr. Kalyanrao Takale, Dr. S.B. GaikwadImportance of p-KdV equationin target tracking and its applicationsMalaya Journal of Mathematik Sr.No. 67, University Press2319-3786 and 2321-5666Vol. 9, No. 1, 577-582, ISSN, February (2021)
A.B. Gawand and    S.B.GaikwadGROUND WATER DEPTH PREDICTION MATHEMATICAL MODEL BASED ON GEOPATHIC STRESS, CURRENT VARIATION AND INTENSITY OF MAGNETIC FIELDAdvances in Mathematics: Scientific Journal)1857-8365, 1857-843810 (2021), 1319–1330
A.B. Gawand and    S.B.GaikwadGround water depth prediction mathematical model based on Geopathic stress, body voltage and skin Resistance;Turkish Journal of Computer and Mathematics Education1309-4653Vol.12 No.7 (2021), 1030-1036
S.V.IngaleBernstein Polynomial in Risk AssessmentNational Conference on “Recent Developments in Mathematics and its Applications” held at SRM University,  Chennai during January 31st — February 1st,2011  
S.V.Ingale  Uncertainty Modeling of Radiological Risk Using Probability — Possibility       CombinationInternational Journal of Energy, Information and Communications Vol. 3, Issue 1, February, 2012
Tarate S.A., Kshirsagar K.A.Mathematical Art FunctionsInternational Journal of Research and Analytical Reviews(IJRAR)2349-5138Vol.6 Issue 1,
Tarate S.A., Kshirsagar K.A.Bhadane A.P. Gaikwad S.B.Sumudu-iteration transform method for fractional telegraph equationsJ. Math. Comput. Sci1927-530712 (2022), Article ID 127

7. Details of books, chapters in edited volumes/ papers published in National and International Conference Proceedings.

Name/s of the AuthorTitle of the PaperTitle of the Book/ ConferenceISBN NumberVolume and Page Numbers

8. Details of extension activities carried out by the department.

ActivityDateNumber of Student Participants
Teacher Day Celebration2014150
Ganesh Utsava  Celebration2014200
Blood donation camp2014198
Parent teacher meet2014200
Alumni meet2014150
Teacher Day Celebration2015150
Ganesh Utsava  Celebration2015185
Blood donation camp2015170
Parent teacher meet2015160
Alumni meet2015135
Teacher Day Celebration2016120
Ganesh Utsava  Celebration2016130
Blood donation camp2016120
Parent teacher meet2016160
Alumni meet2016135
Teacher Day Celebration2017120
Ganesh Utsava  Celebration2017130
Blood donation camp2017120
Parent teacher meet2017160
Alumni meet2017200
Teacher Day Celebration2018198
Ganesh Utsava  Celebration2018200
Blood donation camp2018150
Visit to (NGO)Savali2018150
Teacher Day Celebration2019185
Ganesh Utsava  Celebration2019160
Gender Equity Rally2019135
Mathematics Day Celebration2019120
Matlab Webinar2019130
Dental Checkup Camp2019120
Inspirational movie for Mathematics students2019160
Swacch bharat Abhiyan2019200
Visit to (NGO)Snehalaya2019198
Parent Teachers Meet2019100
Alumni meet2019130
ActivityDateNumber of Student Participants

9. Details of linkages/collaborations/ MoU signed by the department and activities under it.

Name of the Partner Institution/Industry
DateActivities undertakenNumber of Student Participants

10. Details of infrastructural facilities available in the department for the teaching and learning process.

Name of the Infrastructural FacilityNumber
Computer Lab2
Research Laboratory1
Dell Computers54
Lenovo Computers14
Glass board1
Green chalk board6
LCD Screen3
Public Address System1
ITC Lectern1
Clarity Visualizer1
Waist Bond Amplifier1

11. Details of capacity building and skill enhancement initiatives taken by the department.

Programme/ActivityDateNumber of Student Participants
8 days skill-oriented certificate course on LaTeX10/10/2019 to 17/10/201966

12. Details of sports and cultural activities organized by the department.

ActivityType (Sports/ Cultural)DateNumber of Student Participants

13. Experiential learning activities organized by the department.

ActiSrinivasa Ramanujan Mathematics Poster and Model ExhibitionvityDate/sNumber of teachers involvedNumber of students participated

14. Future Plan of the department (To justify the SWOC analysis).