1. Year of Establishment : UG – 2021 PG – 2007
2. Programmes offered by the department
UG | PG | Research Centre | Certificate/ Diploma |
B. Voc. Journalism and Mass Communication | M.Sc. Media and Communication Studies | — | 1. Certificate Course in Photography 2. Certificate Course in Script Writing |
3. Faculty Profile
Name | Education Qualification | Designation | Date of Joining | Total Experience | Profile |
Girhe S. B. | M. Cm. S. (SET) | Assistant Professor and Head of the department | 01.01.2010 | 12 Years | |
Chandanshive B. B. | M. C. J. (NET,SET) | Assistant Professor | 01.10.2008 | 13 Years | |
Gajbhiye A. D. | M.Cm.S. (NET,SET) | Assistant Professor | 01.07.2008 | 13 Years | |
Bangal S. A. | M. Cm. S. SET, NET | Assistant Professor | 25.07.2015 | 05 Years |
4. Details of seminars/conferences/workshops organized by the department
Theme of the Seminar/ Conference/Workshop | Level | Sponsoring Agency | Dates |
Digital Media Digital Minds | National | BCUD, SPPU | 20-21 Jan. 2017 |
5. Details of research projects undertaken by the department.
Name of the Principal Investigator | Title of the project | Duration | Sponsoring Agency |
Girhe S. B. | A Documentary Film on Performing Arts in Maharashtra | 02 Years | BCUD, SPPU |
6. Details of research papers published (in UGC notified journals notified only)
Name/s of the Author | Title of the Project | Journal | ISSN Number | Volume and Page Numbers |
—- | —- | —- | — | —- |
7. Details of books, chapters in edited volumes/ papers published in National and International Conference Proceedings.
Name of the Principal Investigator | Title of the project | Duration | Sponsoring Agency |
Girhe S. B. | A Documentary Film on Performing Arts in Maharashtra | 02 Years | BCUD, SPPU |
Name/s of the Author | Title of the Paper | Title of the Book/ Conference | ISBN Number | Volume and Page Numbers |
Girhe S. B. | Communication: Option or Compulsion by Medium | Technology : Communication & Culture | Page No. 78 | |
Girhe S. B. | Shakespeare in Bollywood | Literature and Audio-Visual Media | ||
Girhe S. B. | Portrayal of Women in Indian Films | Punyanagari Diwali Ank 2016, Pune Edition | ||
Girhe S. B. | 100 Heads : 100 Mobile : 10000 Min | Impact of Digitization on Media Application and Usage | ISBN: 978- 93- 83401- 45-1 | Page No. 61-69 |
Girhe S. B. | Programming Trends & Shifts in General Entertainment Television Channels | Historicizing Indian Television: People, Programs and Processes Post 1990 | ||
Girhe S. B. | Small town as character in contemporary Hindi Cinema | Contemporary Indian Cinema | ||
Girhe S. B. | Quest for Integrated Methodological Approach in Social Media Research | Research Methodology in Social Sciences | ISBN: 978-93-88769-34-1 | 114 page numbers |
Girhe S. B. | कच्चा इतिहास लिहिणाऱ्यांची गोष्ट | आपले वांङमय, लोकवांङमय प्रकाशन, मुंबई | Page No. 03 | |
Girhe S. B. | सत्तेचं शहाणपण सांगणारा माणूस | आपले वांङमय, लोकवांङमय प्रकाशन, मुंबई | Page No. 03 | |
Girhe S. B. | भारद्वाजचा शेक्सपियर | आपले वांङमय, लोकवांङमय प्रकाशन, मुंबई | Page No. 03 | |
Girhe S. B. | स्वातंत्र्याची ओढ | आपले वांङमय, लोकवांङमय प्रकाशन, मुंबई | Page No. 03 | |
Girhe S. B. | अॅटनबरोंचे गांधी | आपले वांङमय, लोकवांङमय प्रकाशन, मुंबई | Page No. 03 | |
Girhe S. B. | शब्दांचे वर्तमान आणि चित्रांचे आभास | आपले वांङमय, लोकवांङमय प्रकाशन, मुंबई | Page No. 03 | |
Girhe S. B. | उलट जगण्याचं चक्र | आपले वांङमय, लोकवांङमय प्रकाशन, मुंबई | Page No. 04 | |
Girhe S. B. | खेळ सत्तेचा आणि माध्यमांचा | आपले वांङमय, लोकवांङमय प्रकाशन, मुंबई | Page No. 06 | |
Girhe S. B. | विकासाच्या तळाशी | आपले वांङमय, लोकवांङमय प्रकाशन, मुंबई | Page No. 14 | |
Girhe S. B. | सत्ता-धर्म-व्यक्ती | आपले वांङमय, लोकवांङमय प्रकाशन, मुंबई | Page No. 06 | |
Girhe S. B. | भविष्य दाखवणारी मानसं | आपले वांङमय, लोकवांङमय प्रकाशन, मुंबई | Page No. 03 | |
Shweta A. Bangal | Emerging Need of Ethical Practices in Social Media Data Collection for Research’. | Research Methodology in Social Sciences | ISBN: 978-93-88769-34-1 | 102 page numbers |
Dr. Bapu B. Chandanshive | Focus Group Discussion: A Techniques of Exploring Issues | Rajmudra | ISBN: 2320- 7086 | Page No. 150 |
Dr. Bapu B. Chandanshive | The Television Viewing Habits among the women of Arangaon Village | Women in Indian Regional Television Channels | ISBN: 978- 93- 83890- 42-2 | Page No. 116 |
Dr. Bapu B. Chandanshive | Cyber Bullying: Nature and Effects | Impact of Digitization on Media Application and Usage | ISBN: 978- 93- 83401- 45-1 | Page No. 27 |
Dr. Bapu B. Chandanshive | Writing Script for Documentary Film: A Creative Treatment to Actuality | VIIT | ISSN: 2278- 6112 | Page No. 174 |
Dr. Bapu B. Chandanshive | Role of Community Radio in Rural Development in India | VIIT | ISSN: 2278- 6112 | Page No. 29 |
Dr. Bapu B. Chandanshive | Role of Media in Protecting Human Rights | International E Publication | ISSN: 978- 93- 84659- 24-0 | Page No. 37 |
Dr. Bapu B. Chandanshive | Status Of Women In Indian Mass Media | International Science Congress Association | ISSN: 978- 93- 84648- 47-3 | Page No. 41 |
Dr. Bapu B. Chandanshive | Book | Documentaries: History, Nature and Production Process | ISBN: 978-81- 951198-4-4 | Pages- 180 |
Dr. Bapu B. Chandanshive | Book | Documentary: Concept and Nature | ISBN: 978-81- 951198-5-1 | Pages- 174 |
8. Details of extension activities carried out by the department.
Activity | Date | Number of Student Participants |
Documentary Film Making | March 2022 | 16 |
9. Details of linkages/collaborations/ MoU signed by the department and activities under it.
Name of the Partner Institution/Industry | Date | Activities undertaken | Number of Student Participants |
Natives Communications, Pune | 28/06/2018 | Editing, Advertising | 21 |
Aatpat Production, Pune | 29/06/2018 | Films, Short Films (Production) | 25 |
Chitraksha Films, Pune | 30/06/2018 | Film Production | 12 |
10. Details of infrastructural facilities available in the department for the teaching and learning process.
Name of the Infrastructural Facility | Number |
Audio Visual Classrooms | 02 |
Audio Visual Studio | 01 |
Editing Rooms | 05 |
Equipment Room | 01 |
Camera with tripods | 05 |
Lights with stand | 12 |
Light Cutters | 06 |
Sound Systems | 05 |
Sound Recorders | 04 |
Television Set With DTH | 02 |
11. Details of capacity building and skill enhancement initiatives taken by the department.
Programme/Activity | Date | Number of Student Participants |
Advance workshops on Camera and Editing | 18 |
12. Details of sports and cultural activities organized by the department.
Activity | Type (Sports/ Cultural) | Date | Number of Student Participants |
Pratibimb Festival | Cultural | 15 – 18 February every year from last 14 years | 3500 |
13. Experiential learning activities organized by the department.
Any other information (Important to be mentioned in departmental profile)
- Library:
Department owns a departmental library of about 100 sq ft. in total. It has more than 200 varieties of books all has been donated by the alumni students. (List is attached separately.) Being an Audio-Visual Department & a need of the course department has also own its unique audio-visual library. In this library there are more than 500 DVDs & CDs of National & International acclaimed Films and Documentaries.
- Class rooms with ICT facility:
All three classrooms are equipped with ICT’s. Two set of televisions with direct to home facility. Also two DVD players with sound systems are attached to projectors for film screening and presentations. Out of which one fully acoustic air-conditioned classroom is also used as multipurpose studio. All classroom has fire security system.
- Laboratories:
1) Department owns an Editing lab of about 100 sq ft. in total as well as a ‘V. Shantaram’
multipurpose studio of 450 sq. ft.
2) A fully acoustic air-conditioned Editing lab has two Apple FCP setup attached with camcorder.
3) A media research lab for variety of research database and applications.
14. Future Plan of the department (To justify the SWOC analysis).
- Organize an international students short film festival.
- Start web portal and YouTube Channel for student’s project.
- Start campus community radio.
- Established a media consultancy firm.
- Facilitate collaborative production with industry.