1. Year of Establishment : U.G. : 1984 P.G. : 2009
2. Programmes offered by the department
UG | PG | Research Center | Certificate/ Diploma |
B.Sc. Electronic Science | M.Sc. Electronic Science | —- | 1.Programming Raspberry Pi 2. PCB Design and Making |
3. Faculty Profile
Name | Education Qualification | Designation | Date of Joining | Total Experience | Profile |
D. K. Sonavane | M.Sc., DIT(Computer) | Assistant Professor and Head | 19/08/1993 | 29 | |
S. D. Shelke | M.Sc. | Associate Professor | 03/09/1990 | 32 | |
M. R. Markad | M.Sc., B.Ed., SET | Assistant Professor | 21/08/2006 | 16 | |
S. K. Jare | M.Sc., SET, NET | Assistant Professor | 04/08/2008 | 14 | |
D. S. Shelar | M.Sc., SET, NET. | Assistant Professor | 18/07/2011 | 11 | |
Dr. M. A. Shaikh | M.Sc., SET, Ph.D. | Assistant Professor | 07/09/2011 | 11 | |
G. V. Avhale | M.Sc., SET, NET | Assistant Professor | 05/01/2013 | 09 | |
R. D. Katkade | M.Sc. | Assistant Professor | 08/08/2013 | 09 | |
P. M. Gaikwad | M.Sc. | Assistant Professor | 01/07/2015 | 07 | |
Y. C. Dhage | M.Sc. | Assistant Professor | 04/04/2022 | — | — |
A. R. Dahifale | M.Sc. | Assistant Professor | 04/04/2022 | — | — |
4. Details of seminars/conferences/workshops organized by the department
Theme of the Seminar/ Conference/Workshop | Level | Sponsoring Agency | Dates |
Software Applications in Electronic Circuit Design | State Level | BCUD | 16th & 17th Jan. 2008 |
“Optical Fiber Communication and Sensor Application” | State Level | BCUD | 22th to 24th Dec. 2008 |
“Restructuring of T.Y.BSc. Electronic Science Syllabus” | State Level | BCUD | 13th Jan. 2015 |
“Electronic Science Project Selection, Designing, Building, Report Writing and Presentation” | State Level | BCUD | 6th Jan.2018 |
5. Details of research projects undertaken by the department.
Name of the Principal Investigator | Title of the project | Duration | Sponsoring Agency |
Dr. V.B. Gadker | Fabrication and characterization of Planer Glass Waveguide(minor) | 2008-10 | UGC |
Dr. V.B. Gadker | Polymer Optical Waveguide and its Characterization(minor) | 2008-10 | UGC |
D.K. Sonawane | Preparation and Characterization of PbS Thin films by CBD method | 2008-10 | UGC |
S.D. Shelke | Synthesis and Characterization of CdS Thin films by CBD method | 2008-10 | UGC |
D.S. Shelar | Optimization of QoS of Wireless sensor network in large multigrain storage monitoring. | 2014-16 | UGC |
6. Details of research papers published (in UGC notified journals notified only)
Name/s of the Author | Title of the Paper | Journal | ISSN Number | Volume and Page Numbers |
M.A. Shaikh | Speckle Filtering of Microwave C-Band Fine Quad Polarized RADARSAT-2 SAR Image using Mean and Median Filter | Bionano Frontier | 0974-0678 | Vol.8, Issue 3, pp.294-297 |
M.A. Shaikh | Speckle Noise Filtering of Microwave X-Band High Resolution Spotlight Mode TerraSAR-X (SAR) Image | Bionano Frontier | 0974-0678 | Vol.8, Issue 3, pp.287-290 |
S.D. Shelke | Characterization of Nanocrystalline Cds Thin Films Deposited by Chemical Bath Deposition | Bionano Frontier | 0974-0678 | Vol.8, Issue 3 |
M.A. Shaikh | Classification of Polarimetric SAR (PolSAR) Image Analysis Using Decomposition Techniques | International Journal of Computer Application (IJCA) | 0975-8887 | 20-23 |
M.A. Shaikh | The Vital Role and Applications of Nano Electronics in the Nanotechnology Domain | International Research Journal of Science & Engineering, Special Issue A1, 2017 | 2322-0015 | 167-170 |
G. V. Avhale | Design and Development of Internet of Things (IoT) based Data Acquisition System for milk quality monitoring in the Dairy Industry | IJEAT | 2249-8958 | Volume-6, Issue-ICDSIP17 16-19 |
D.S. Shelar | The Design of Low Power Wireless Sensor node for Food grain Warehouse Monitoring | IJEAT | 2249-8958 | Volume-6, Issue-ICDSIP17 |
D. K. Sonavane | Preparation of MnS thin films by chemical bath deposition and effect of bath temperature on their optical propertie | Int. Res. J. of Science & Engineering | 2322-0015 | Issue A1 : 91-94 |
D.S. Shelar | Performance Analysis of ZigBee based Wireless Sensor Network for Grain Storage Monitoring | International Journal of Advanced Research in Electrical, Electronics and Instrumentation Engineering | 22788875 | |
M.A. Shaikh | Microwave Spectroscopy Modelling for Geophysical Parameter Retrieval Using Synthetic Aperture Radar (SAR) Dataset | Indian Journal of Pure & Applied Physics (IJPAP) April 2018 | Volume-56 (IV), pp. 311-314. | |
D. K. Sonavane | Chemical Synthesis of PbS Thin Films and Its physicochemical Properties | Materials Today ELSEVIER | 5 (2018) 7743–7747 | |
D. K. Sonavane | Transport Properties of PbS Thin Films | Int. Res. J. of Science & Engineering | 2322-0015 | Issue A2: 61-63 |
M.A. Shaikh | Design and Development of Internet of Thing (IoT) Based Soil Parameters Monitoring System in Agricultural Domain | International Journal of Research and Analytical Reviews (IJRAR), | 2349-5138 | Vol. 6, Issue 1, Jan. 2019, pp. 180-184 |
D. K. Sonavane | Characterization of MnS Thin Films Deposited by Chemical Bath Deposition | Materials Science Forum | 1662-9752 | Vol. 969, pp 433-438 |
M.A. Shaikh | Confusion Matrix-Based Supervised Classification Using Microwave SIR-C SAR Satellite Dataset | CCIS | 978-981-16-0492-8 | Vol. 1381, 176–187 |
7. Details of books, chapters in edited volumes/ papers published in National and International Conference Proceedings.
Name/s of the Author | Title of the Paper | Title of the Book/ Conference | ISBN Number | Volume and Page Numbers |
M.A. Shaikh | Color Image Enhancement Filtering Techniques in Agricultural Domain Using MATLAB | ISPRS TC VIII Mid-Term Symposium on “Operational Remote Sensing Applications: Opportunities, Progress and Challenges”, at Hyderabad (TS) India | — | — |
M.A. Shaikh | Study of Kedarnath Crisis SAR Image Using Point & Spatial Operation Technique | First National Conference on Digital Image & Signal Processing (NCDISP 2015), Dept. of CS & Electronics, MAEER’S Art’s, Commerce & Science College, Pune, 12-13 Feb, 2015 | — | — |
D.S. Shelar | Battery Lifetime Prediction Model for Smart Power Grid | First National Conference on Energy and Environment, Dept. of Energy Studies & Environment Science, University of Pune20-22 Feb. 2014 | — | — |
D.S. Shelar | Study of QoS Metrics for Constrained Area Wireless Sensor Network Using Random Data Generator | Advances in Electronics & Its Interdisciplinary Applications, Dept. of Electronic Science, Fergusson College, Pune, 19-20 Sep. 2014 | — | — |
C.A Shirsath | Application of Artificial Intelligence in many areas- A Review | Role of Artificial Intelligence in Computer Science, Dept. Computer Science, New Arts Commerce & Science College, Parner, 26-27 Sep. 2014 | — | — |
S.K. Jare | Artificial Intelligence in Computer Game-Empowering Games with Illusion of Intelligence | Role of Artificial Intelligence in Computer Science, Dept. Computer Science, New Arts Commerce & Science College, Parner, 26-27 Sep. 2014 | — | — |
S.D. Shelke | Growth and Characterization of CdS Thin Films by Chemical Bath Deposition | State Level Conference on Review of Progress In Nanoscience, Dept. of Chemistry, New Arts Commerce & Science College, Ahmednagar, 13-14 Feb. 2015 | — | — |
M.A. Shaikh | SAR Image Analysis Using Image Enhancement and Segmentation Algorithm | 11th International Conference on Microwave, Antenna, Propagation & Remote Sensing (ICMARS-2015), Jodhpur, during 15-17 Dec. 2015 | — | — |
M.A. Shaikh | Realisation of Low Cost Dielectric Spectroscopy Sensor for Liquids Using P89c51RD2 Microcontroller | 11th International Conference on Microwave, Antenna, Propagation & Remote Sensing (ICMARS-2015), Jodhpur, during 15-17 Dec. 2015 | — | — |
D.K. Sonavane | Electrical and Optical Properties of PbS Thin Films Deposited by Chemical Bath Deposition | National Conference on New Trends and Development of Physics, Dept. of Physics, New Arts, Commerce & Science College, Parner 08-09, Jan. 2016 | — | — |
D.K. Sonavane | Growth and characterization of PbS thin films by chemical bath deposition | International Conference on Impact of Chemical Research on Environment (ICRE-2016), Department of Chemistry, New Arts, Commerce and Science College, Parner, India, 17-18, Feb. 2016 | — | — |
D.K. Sonavane | Growth and Optical Characterization of Chemical Bath Deposited MnS Thin Films | National Conference on Advanced Materials and Applications, Dept. of Physics, Fergussion College, Pune, 04-05 March 2016. | — | — |
D.K. Sonavane | Synthesis and Optical Properties of Pb-doped MnS Thin Films by Chemical Bath Deposition Method | National Conference on Electronic Materials Thin Films and Its Applications, Dept. of Electronic & Physics, Nutan Maratha College, Jalgaon, 9-10 Dec. 2016. | — | — |
S.K. Jare | Synthesis and Optical Properties of Pb-doped MnS Thin Films by Chemical Bath Deposition Method | National Conference on Electronic Materials Thin Films and Its Applications, Dept. of Electronic & Physics, Nutan Maratha College, Jalgaon, 9-10 Dec. 2016. | — | — |
D.S. Shelar | Performance Analysis of Wireless Sensor Network in the Monitoring of Multigrain Storage | National Conference on Applications of Computer and Electronics Science, Dept. Computer Science & Electronics, Kaveri College of Arts, Science Commerce, Pune, 20-21 Jan 2017. | — | — |
C.A. Shirsath | Image Noise Model & Its Denoising Techniques: A Critical Review | National Conference on Applications of Computer and Electronics Science, Kaveri College of Arts, Science Commerce, Pune, 20-21 Jan 2017. | — | — |
G.V. Avhale | Use of Internet of Thing Technology In Dairy Industry | National Conference on Applications of Computer and Electronics Science, Dept. Computer Science & Electronics, Kaveri College of Arts, Science Commerce, Pune, 20-21 Jan 2017. | — | — |
M.A. Shaikh | Image Noise Model & Its Denoising Techniques: A Critical Review | National Conference on Applications of Computer and Electronics Science, Kaveri College of Arts, Science Commerce, Pune, 20-21 Jan 2017. | — | — |
M.A. Shaikh | Application of Remote Sensing and Geographical Information System Integration for Earth Resources Management: A Review Study | International Conference on Natural Resource Management and Sustainable Agriculture, Dept. of Geography, New Arts, Commerce and Science College, Parner 20-21 January, 2017. | — | — |
D.S. Shelar | Performance Analysis of Wireless Sensor Network in the Monitoring of Multigrain Storage | National Conference on Applications of Computer & Electronic Science | — | — |
M.A. Shaikh | Backscattering Signal (σ0) Retrieval from Microwave Synthetic Aperture Radar (SAR) Dataset Using Integral Equation Model | The 39th Asian Conference on Remote Sensing (ACRS) 2018, Kula Lumpur, Malaysia, during 15 – 19 October 2018. | — | — |
M.A. Shaikh | Accuracy Assessment for Microwave TerraSAR-X SAR Dataset Using Supervised Classification | URSI AP-RASC 2019, New Delhi, India, 09 – 15 March 2019, | — | — |
G. V. Avhale | Heat Stress Monitoring and Management System for Dairy Industry: The Internet of Thing (IoT) Solution | International Journal of Research and Analytical Reviews (IJRAR), January 2019 | 2349-5138 | 319-322 |
M.A. Shaikh | Vegetation Area Estimation of Microwave L Band SIR-C SAR Dataset Using Classification Techniques : An Agricultural Study | 107th Indian Science Congress Association (ISCA) 2020, University of Agricultural Sciences, Bengaluru, Karnataka, during 3-7 January 2020. | — | — |
M.A. Shaikh | Soil Parameters Estimation using Advanced Microcontroller Based System: An Agricultural Domain Applications | International Conference on Bioengineering and Life Science, Department of Zoology, New Arts, Commerce and Science College, Ahmednagar, during 11-12 Feb. 2020. | — | — |
M.A. Shaikh | Estimation of Vegetation Area for Microwave L Band SIR-C SAR Dataset Using Classification Techniques | One Day National Conference on Recent Advances in Science, Department of Physics, Shivaji Arts, Commerce and Science College, Kannad, Dist. Aurangabad, during 13 Feb. 2020. | — | — |
G.V. Avhale | IoT based Intelligent Tracking, Early-warning & Management (ITEM) Tool for Efficient Milk Transportation in Dairy Industry | AIP Conference Proceedings (2021) | — | 060003 2335 |
8. Details of extension activities carried out by the department.
Activity | Date | Number of Student Participants |
ELECTRONIKA – 2012 | 23rd – 25th Feb. 2012 | 64 |
ELECTRONIKA – 2013 | 5th – 7th March 2013 | 77 |
ELECTRONIKA – 2014 | 24th – 26th Feb. 2014 | 55 |
ELECTRONIKA – 2015 | 16th – 18th Feb. 2015 | 68 |
ELECTRONIKA – 2016 | 3rd – 5th March 2016 | 60 |
ELECTRONIKA – 2017 | 25th – 26th Feb. 2017 | 71 |
EEE-SPEED Exam 2016-17 | 30/12/2016 | 118 |
EEE-SPEED Exam 2017-18 | 8/1/2018 | 72 |
EEE-SPEED Exam 2018-19 | 27/12/2018 | 64 |
EEE-SPEED Exam 2019-20 | 6/1/2020 | 75 |
Organized orientation workshop on “Transit of Venus”, in collaboration with Vigyan Prasar, Noida. | 30/5/ 2012 | 42 |
Visit to Snehalaya | 04/01/2022 | 30 |
9. Details of linkages/collaborations/ MoU signed by the department and activities under it.
Name of the Partner Institution/Industry | Date | Activities undertaken | Number of Student Participants |
Milliya Arts Science and Management Science College, Beed | 30/01/2019 | Visit to ISRO funded lab and took benefits of lab instruments | 06 |
10. Details of infrastructural facilities available in the department for the teaching and learning process.
Name of the Infrastructural Facility | Number |
Laboratory | 6 |
Store Room | 1 |
Class Room with ICT facility | 2 |
Personal Computer (PC) | 25 |
Staff Room | 1 |
Printers | 5 |
11. Details of capacity building and skill enhancement initiatives taken by the department.
Programme/Activity | Date | Number of Student Participants |
Skill oriented short term training course in “Embedded System Design and simulation software for electronic application” | 5th Jan. 2019 to 19th Jan. 2019 | 40 |
Outreach One Week Certification Program” organized by IIRS, ISRO | 6th August 2018 to 10th August 2018 | 33 |
One day Workshop on LED Bulb Manufacturing | 3+ 31st Oct. 2020 | 40 |
One day Workshop on Python Programming | 07th 07th Nov. 2020 | 35 |
One day Workshop on Mobile App Designing | 11011th Dec. 2021 | 42 |
One day Workshop on Computer Hardware and Its Repairing | 11003rd Feb. 2021\2 | 51 |
11. Details of sports and cultural activities organized by the department.
Activity | Type (Sports/ Cultural) | Date | Number of Student Participants |
ELECTRONIKA – 2012 | Cultural | 25th Feb. 2012 | 64 |
ELECTRONIKA – 2013 | Cultural | 7th March 2013 | 77 |
ELECTRONIKA – 2014 | Cultural | 26th Feb. 2014 | 55 |
ELECTRONIKA – 2015 | Cultural | 18th Feb. 2015 | 68 |
ELECTRONIKA – 2016 | Cultural | 5th March 2016 | 60 |
ELECTRONIKA – 2017 | Cultural | 26th Feb. 2017 | 71 |
12. Experiential learning activities organized by the department.
Activity | Date/s | Number of teachers involved | Number of students participated |
— | —- | — | —— |

13. Any other information (Important to be mentioned in departmental profile)
- The department got sanctioned DBT STAR College Scheme from 22nd Feb. 2020 to 21st Feb. 2023 for 3 years from Ministry of Human Resource Development, DBT, New Delhi, India.
- The department has ISRO Outreach Program Centre sanctioned by IIRS, Dehradun (UK) India.
14. Future Plan of the department (To justify the SWOC analysis).
- Well-furnished and well-equipped State of Art laboratories.
- High speed Internet and Wi-Fi facilities.
- Highly qualified and experienced teaching staff.
- Healthy and hygienic atmosphere.
- Extensive programs for student enrichment are carried out.
- Ultra-modern laboratory instruments are available.
- Effective use of social media for academic and administrative communication.
- Rich departmental library.
- Student-teacher ratio.
- Approved Research Centre.
- Insufficient campus placement programmes.
- Recognized research guide.
- To provide industrial exposure to PG students for their project work.
- To motivate the students for active participation in extracurricular activities.
- To arrange more campus interviews for students placements.
- To arrange job oriented short term skill development programs for students.
- To start University Recognized Research Centre.
- To provide guidance of NET / SET for students.
- To arrange Carrier Guidance lecture to motivate student towards subject.
- To improve UG to PG students progression ratio.
Future Plans :
1) Student Activity:
1. To conduct short term certificate courses under skill development programs for students – Robot Designing PCB Designing, Computer repairing, Computers networking.
2. Arrange campus interviews for departmental students.
3. To increase social awareness among students for E-waste.
4. To increase social awareness among students for green and clean India.
2) Departmental Activities:
i) Purchase of advanced testing equipment’s.
ii) Publications of more research papers.
iii) Obtain funds for various major & minor projects from various funding agencies.
iv) Improvement of individual qualification of existing faculty.
v) Arrange State and National level workshops in Electronic Science.