
1. Year of Establishment: 1970

2. Programmes offered by the department

UGPG Research Center Certificate/ Diploma
B.Com.M.Com.Ph.D.- Commerce

3. Faculty Profile of the Department

NameEducation QualificationDesignationDate of JoiningTotal ExperienceProfile
Dr. S. B. KalamkarM.Com., M.Phil., Ph.D.Assistant Professor, HOD & Vice- Principal22.05.2007         15 
Prof. B. N. MurtadakM.Com., M.Phil., SET, GDC&AAssistant Professor21.11.2011 17 
Dr. M.P. WaghmareM.Com., M.Phil., Ph.D., NETAssistant Professor01.09.2017        16 
Prof. N.B. GoyalM.Com., FCA,DISA, NET, SETAssistant Professor01.09.2017 05 
Dr. A. V. AdsureM.Com., M.Phil., Ph.D., SETAssistant Professor08.07.2010         12 
Dr. N.L. VikheM.Com., M.Phil., Ph.D., G.D.C.& A.Assistant Professor26.11.2012 10 
Prof. S.D. BankarM.Com., M.Phil., NETAssistant Professor01.08.2014 07 
Prof. P.V. KaleM.Com., SETAssistant Professor15.07.2017 05 
Prof. S.A. KasbeM.Com., SETAssistant Professor19.07.2019 03 
Prof. D.S. SonwaneM.Com, SET, M.Phil., B.Ed. G.D.C.& A.Assistant Professor16.07.2019 02 
Prof. Hajare G.HM.Com., SETAssistant Professor01.09.2021         01 

4. Details of seminars/conferences/workshops organized by the department

Theme of the Seminar/ Conference/WorkshopLevelSponsoring AgencyDates

5. Details of research projects undertaken by the department.

Name of the Principal InvestigatorTitle of the ProjectDurationSponsoring Agency
Murtadak B NRahata Talukyatil Phul utpadak
Shetkaryancha Abhyas
2 YearsUGC

6. Details of research papers published (in UGC notified journals notified only)

Name/s of the AuthorTitle of the PaperJournalISSN NumberVolume and Page Numbers
Dr. Kalamkar S. B.Overview of Rural Marketing and Rural Developmentin IndiaAjanta2277-5730Vol-X , Pg-120-127
Dr. Kalamkar S. B.Research Design : Definition and ProcedureResearch Journey2348-7143Special Issue 266(D) 114-116
Dr. Kalamkar S. B.Progress of E- Commerce in IndiaAayushi International Interdisciplinary Research Journal2349-638xSpecial Issue-442-443
Mr. Murtadak B. N. E- BankingPeer Reviewed International Journal VIDYAWARTA on Recent Trend in Commerce. Special Issue
ISSN 2319-9318Page No. 26-27
Mr. Murtadak B. N. Problems and Remedies of Marketing of Agriculture GoodsInternational Research Fellows Associations Research Journey onRecent trend in Agricultural Marketing
ISSN 2348-7143Special Issue 219
Mr. Murtadak B. N. Strategies of Social Media MarketingInternational Research Fellows Associations Research Journey on Strengthening Business Competencies for sustainable Development  
 Impact factor 6.625
ISSN 2348-7143Special Issue 235A
Mr. Murtadak B. N. PRESENT SCENARIO HOSPITALS IN INDIAJournal of Information and Computational Science Impact factor 6.2ISSN 1548-7741 Volume 10
Issue 2  369-374
Mr. Murtadak B. N. Digital Banking Products and ServicesJournal of Research and Development’
A Multidisciplinary International Level Refereed and Peer reviewed Journal, Impact Factor-7.265
ISSN 2230-9578Feb,2022, Vol-13 Issue-5
Mr. Murtadak B. N. The Study of Management of Government Hospitals in MaharashtraATISHAY KALIT April,2022 ISSN 2277-419x,vol-9, Issue 15
CA. N.B. GoyalIndia moving towards cashless economyAjanta2277-5730Vol-VIII, Pg-33-36
CA. N.B. GoyalGST and Impact of GST on TradersAjanta2277-5730Vol-VI, Pg.85-89
CA. N.B. GoyalStudy of various morale boosting strategies for employees in  automobile industries in IndiaKala Sarovar0975-4520Vol-24 No-2-2021 Pg-238-244
Dr Nilima Laxman VikheAdvanced Ruling under GSTResearch Journey2348-7143Special Issue-171(f)
Dr Nilima Laxman VikheAgricultural Marketing in Traditional and Digital IndiaResearch Journey2348-7143Special Issue-219
Prof. Bankar Snehal DattatrayaConsumer Behavior Towards Purchasing of Durable GoodsJournal of Information and Computational Science1548 – 7741DOI:10.12733.JICS. 2020.V1I2.535569.1 5107 Page No: 45-48
Prof. Bankar Snehal Dattatraya  Strategies for Agriculture Marketing  Research Journey Multidisciplinary International E- research Journal2348-7143Page No: 44-45
Sonawane Deepika ShrikantRecent Trends in Agricultural MarketingResearch Journey2348-7143219
Sonawane Deepika ShrikantRole of AdvertisingJournal of Informational and Computational Science1548-7741DOI:10.12733.JICS. 2020.V112535569.1 5196  
Sonawane Deepika ShrikantProgress of E- Commerce  Aayushi Research Journal  2349-638x88 442-443  
Sonawane Deepika ShrikantResearch Design: Definition and Procedure  Research Journey2348-7143266 (D) Page No. 114  
Sonawane Deepika ShrikantWomen Entrepreneurship in Maharashtra: Problem and ProspectsAjanta2277-5730VIII, ISSUE-I Page No.109  

7. Details of books, chapters in edited volumes/ papers published in National and International Conference Proceedings.

Name/s of the AuthorTitle of the PaperTitle of the Book/ ConferenceISBN NumberVolume and Page Numbers
Murtadak BNBasic of ResearchResearch Methodology in Social Sciences978-93-88769-34-168-71
CA. N.B. GoyalFinancial Accounting-I (Book)- FYBCOM978-93-88769-98-3
CA. N.B. GoyalAuditing-TYBCOM978-93-91391-00-3
CA. N.B. GoyalAnkekshan-TYBCOM978-93-91391-80-5
Prof. Bankar Snehal Dattatraya  Role of Research in MarketingResearch Methodology in Social Science  978-93-88769-34-1Page No: 93 -95
Sonawane Deepika ShrikantEthics in Social ScienceResearch Methodology in Social Science978-93-88769-34-1Page No.96

8. Details of extension activities carried out by the department.

ActivityDateNumber of Student Participants
Study visit at Bombay Stock Exchange, Mumbai.20/02/2020 60

9. Details of linkages/collaborations/ MoU signed by the department and activities under it.

Name of the Partner Institution/IndustryDateActivities undertakenNumber of Student Participants

10. Details of infrastructural facilities available in the department for the teaching and learning process.

Name of the Infrastructural FacilityNumber
K yan Projector01

11. Details of capacity building and skill enhancement initiatives taken by the department.

Program/ActivityDateNumber of Student Participants
World Investor’s week  22.11.2021-26.11.2021Online, 500  
Wealth Awareness Program28-02-2022Online,82
Training and Placement Programme (One Month Duration)30-03-2022 to 30-04-2022Online, 47
Consumer Protection in Digital Era By TRAI Regional Office Bangluru24-03-2022Online, 600

Details of sports and cultural activities organized by the department.

ActivityType (Sports/ Cultural)DateNumber of Student Participants
Student Welcome Function   
PG  FestivalCultural30.04.2018150

12. Experiential learning activities are organized by the department.

ActivityType (Sports/ Cultural)DateNumber of Student Participants
Industrial Visit20.02.202205500

13. Experiential learning activities organized by the department.

13. Any other information (Important to be mentioned in departmental profile)

  • Student of T.Y.B.Com. Mr. Pushkar Nahar has scored the highest number of marks in the subject Advanced Accounting Exam held by the SPPU, Pune in April-2019, and was awarded Gold Medal for the same.
  • The department has organized different guest lectures on various topics like soft skills, entrepreneurship skill, investment awareness, career guidance etc.  which are fruitful for the academic development of the students.
  • The department has arranged internship programmes and societal survey as part of academic degree to inculcate practical experie\ce.
  • Every year the department organizes One Week SET/NET Workshop for Post-Graduate students.

14. Future Plan of the department (To justify the SWOC analysis).

  1. To strengthen Digital Computer lab
  2. To strengthen ICT basis teaching and learning.
  3. To extend the cooperation with other Industries or Institutions (MOU)
  4. To design and start new skill-based short-term courses.
  5. To organize conferences/seminars/research workshops