About IQAC
IQAC Composition
Notices/ Circular and Reports
Minutes of the Meeting
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National Assessment and Accreditation Council (NAAC) is an autonomous body, established by the UGC in 1994. It monitors standards of the higher educational institutions. After 1st cycle assessment and accreditation in 2003 as per the guidelines of NAAC we established an Internal Quality Assurance Cell (IQAC) in our college. Since then it works as a post accreditation quality sustenance activity. It has created quality consciousness amongst us. It functions as an internal mechanism for assurance, enhancement and sustenance of the quality. We have taken all possible efforts in rooting the NAAC procedures and practices in our college through IQAC. It consistently functions for quality improvement.
We have realized the importance of institutional internal quality system. It is assumed as a mechanism to build and ensure a quality culture at our college level. The IQAC performs the role of planning, guiding and monitoring quality assurance and quality enhancement activities. Through consistent and systematic efforts of IQAC, college has gained a momentum towards academic excellence. It plays facilitative and participative role in the institution. The IQAC has become driving force behind quality strategies of the college. It has removed all possible deficiencies to ensure quality. We are grateful to NAAC for providing this valuable tool in raising the institute to new academic standards.
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